What Is A Systemic Dentist?

* A systemic dentist understands that what happens in your mouth impacts your entire body.

* Systemic dentistry is less invansive, less stressful and more conducive to your long-term health and well-being.

Sometimes known as Biological Dentists, a Systemic Dentist uses the same organic, natural, non-toxic materials as a Holistic Dentist, with added emphasis and training on how to observe evidence in the mouth of stresses in other parts of the body. A Systemic Dentist operates according to the belief system that your teeth are an integral part of your body and hence your overall health, and recognize that your oral and dental health can have a major influence on other disease processes in your body. A Systemic Dentist recommends treatment for optimal oral health as well as tactics for addressing systemic issues that may be indicated as well as strengthening the body and prevention of illness.

I recommend using a biological dentist for all your dental needs, but if you’re considering removing dental amalgams, it’s an absolute necessity Most conventional dentists simply do not have the know-how to do it without putting your health at risk in the process

Systemic Dentistry Is Conscious Dentistry

Systemic Dentistry is the combination of looking at the mouth-body connection and giving special attention to nutrition, toxic fillings, and hidden jaw infections and root canals. It is a combination of biological dentistry with holistic protocols and environmental approaches – what we consider to be the only form of conscious dentistry.

Biocompatible Toxic-Free Fillings

The most common material that dentists have used to repair fillings is a mixture of mercury and silver. Mercury, a well known poison, was preferred by some dentists at the end of the 19th century because it’s cheap, it kills bacteria and softens fillings enough so they can be placed. However, the risk for most does not outweigh the rewards. To place an amalgam filling requires drilling lots of the tooth surface, compromising the structural integrity of the tooth and inviting recurrent decay and eventually tooth fractures that eventually lead to more fillings and then caps and root canals. Amalgam fillings also expand and contract from hot and cold foods and liquids. And mercury in amalgams can vaporize from the heat and friction of chewing. Mercury can leach to the gut and kidneys, and to the brain. Complications from mercury fillings can be at the very least painful and at worst fatal. I specialize in the safe, effective removal of mercury fillings and the replacement of them with biocompatible fillings using biomimetic techniques.

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Nutritional Restoration

Dental health relies just as much on the fork as it does on the toothbrush. Our practice emphasizes a diet that is tooth-friendly. This doesn’t just mean eating less refined sugar. It also means eating native, natural foods rich in Vitamin D and C, as well as calcium, phosphorous, zinc and other minerals teeth require. It means cutting highly-acidic soda out of the diet to prevent tooth decay and it means eating raw, chewy foods regularly to encourage a healthy bite. Fluoridated water and toothpaste are not recommended because fluoride makes teeth and bones brittle and susceptible to fractures, unlike calcium which makes them flexible.

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Targeting Jawbone Infections

Surgical treatment of focal infections in the jaw from infected root canals and improperly extracted wisdom teeth are one of the key ways we help our patients overcome chronic health issues. These types of infection are extremely difficult to detect. X-rays can miss them and often they’re not visible to the naked eye. Worse, traditional dentistry either ignores or denies these chronic subclinical infections and their impact on overall health. However, through the use of digital imaging and surgical treatment of necrotic cavitational osteonecrosis (NICO), these hidden infections can be detected and treated successfully.

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